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Allowing God to Be the GPS of Your Life

Updated: Jun 21

Do you ever feel like you're wandering aimlessly through life without a clear sense of direction? So many of us go through life making decisions based on what seems right in the moment, pursuing whims and desires, or just letting circumstances dictate our path. But what if there was a better way - a way to live with true purpose and clarity by aligning our lives with God's plan?

Living with intention under God's guidance doesn't mean we hand over all decision-making or live rigidly confined to a predetermined script. It simply means being open and willing to let God navigate while we walk the path He lays out, one step at a time. It means surrendering our limited self-will to the unlimited wisdom and sovereignty of our Creator who knows what's best.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight." This is an open invitation to place our lives fully in God's capable hands. As the master architect, only He can see the overall blueprint and exactly where each road needs to lead.

When we walk in step with God's will rather than stubbornly persisting with our own shortsighted plans, life transforms from a meandering trek into an incredible adventure choreographed by a brilliant Guide. The dreams and desires He's planted deep within us can blossom into beautiful realities as we co-labor with Him. Roadblocks become speed bumps, and seeming detours unveil perfect re-routes aligned with His greater purpose.

Each morning we can seek God's wisdom and direction through prayer, Bible study, and simply being attuned to His voice amid the dailyness of life. As we purposefully acknowledge Him in each situation, He promises to keep our paths straight - rescuing us from wandering aimlessly and leading us into the unique calling and mission He's prepared specifically for us.

Will following God's lead always be easy or make sense in the moment? Not necessarily. It requires faith, surrender of personal agendas, and sometimes treading difficult terrain with only the assurance that He's guiding our every step. But this is the blazing adventure He's called us to. So let go of trying to be the controller, allow Him to be the divine GPS of your life, and experience His perfect plans unfolding in miraculous ways.

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