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Abundant Life

Live the life God has planned for you by starting where you are and creating a plan for where your heart wants to go.

Motivate. Inspire. Achieve.

Hi! I'm Darcy.

Ever since I was a little girl I always knew I wanted to help people be what they truly dream of being.  I would line up all my stuffed animals and preach to them about how much God loved them and wanted them to have a joyful life. A life he wanted to give them.  


That is why I decided to be an accountability coach. 


I want to challenge you, motivate you and encourage you on an individual level.  I listen, understand your goals and dreams, and with God's help guide you to accomplishment.


Conquer Your Dreams

Browse these custom fit services to help you tackle the obstacles and fulfill your dreams.

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I have struggled with the same insecurities and fears that a lot of us have.  I have combed over self help books my entire life.   It wasn’t till I dove into the Bible that I found what was missing to propel me forward in my own goals. I found everything I was looking for and trust me it is all in the book.   What I have learned is what I want to teach you. How you can have a goal, dream or wish and successfully fulfill it.   I believe we all have a purpose that is placed in our hearts and somehow along the way the world has tossed us around and derailed what we really are supposed to achieve.  


In the end, You need to make the most out of every opportunity that God puts before you.  I will help you to be still and listen to God’s encouragement, follow him with a joyful thankful heart, and give God all the glory.  Remember, God loves us so much he wants us to blossom and we can do that successfully by having Him work through us.  


Connect with me today and see where your next journey can take you.

About Me

So thankful that I found Darcy.   She was pivotal in helping me reach my goal.  She attentively listened and came up with a fun plan to help me conquer my goal.  Highly recommend.

- Dawn

Darcy helped me create an action plan with inspirational tools to help stay focused through to the finish line.  The journey was successful and educational on how I operate. She never let me give up and empowered me through scripture.

- Sarah

I was so at ease through this process.  Darcy has a lot of energy, and we had a lot of fun going after my goals. She showed me that I can give myself permission to actively seek what God had put in my heart.  I recommend Darcy.

- Nicki

I always wanted to write a book.  I had started a few times but never finished.  With Darcy’s help and guidance through scripture, I was able to finish it. She helped me push past the things that were holding me back.

- Carrie

I always beat myself up for not getting things done.  Darcy, with the help of scripture, showed me that I am in the right place at the right time. She helped me discern my value to the one who loves me. I stopped living for defeat and started living and working towards my success.

- Travis

I would highly recommend Darcy as an accountability coach.   She has made a significant impact on my life. Her coaching combines God’s love for us, wisdom, compassion, and action steps that make it possible to succeed.   

- Don


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